
ICBIID 2019 invites original research papers from all areas of BUSINESS INNOVATION FOR INCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT.

  1. Publication Opportunities
  2. Consideration for SCOPUS, ESCI (ISI) Journals.
    1. African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development
    2. Asian Journal of Sustainability and Social Responsibility
  3. Two University Journals (both Print and Online)
  4. Multidisciplinary Conference
  5. ICBIID2019 provides opportunities for scholars across disciplines and countries to engage in multidisciplinary forum.
  6. The conference will shed light on various aspects innovation and development, their associate problems and experiences with accountancy, business management, finance, marketing, economics and governance across the contemporary world.
  7. International Speakers
  8. Distinguished keynote speakers from different part of the world such Southeast Asia, South Asia, Europe, Australia, and South Korea.